Monday 12 October 2015

Almanac 12th to 18th October and the New Moon

All information from "Llewellyn's Magical Almanac 2015" 
Colour and Incense based on information used by Llewellyn from 
Personal Almanac by Amber Wolfe

All times are Eastern Standard (US) Time (EST) 
or Eastern Daylight (US) Time (EDT)

Next Sabbats and Full/New Moons

31st October Samhain - Northern Hemisphere 
and Southern Hemisphere 

12th October New Moon
27th October Full Moon

Magical Notes:  
Monday is the New Moon. At the bottom of this weeks correspondences you will find a New Moon extra of spells and altar ideas as well as incense.

The Moon and Correspondences For This Week

Monday 12th
Waning Moon  
Moon Phase: New Moon 8:06 pm 
Colour: Silver
Moon Sign: Libra
Incense: Clary Sage

Tuesday 13th
Waxing Moon 
Moon Phase: First Quarter 
Colour: Scarlet
Moon Sign: Libra
Moon Enters: Scorpio 5:38 pm
Incense: Ylang-Ylang

Wednesday 14th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter 
Colour: Brown
Moon Sign: Scorpio
Incense: Marjoram

Thursday 15th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter 
Colour: Green
Moon Sign: Scorpio
Incense: Apricot

Friday 16th 
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Scorpio
Moon Enters: Sagittarius 5:18am 
Incense: Vanilla

Saturday 17th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter 
Colour: Blue
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Incense: Rue

Sunday 18th 
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter 
Colour: Orange
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Moon Enters: Capricorn 2:52 pm
Incense: Frankincense 

The New Moon - A Time of Peaceful 

According to tradition, the New Moon is more about quiet contemplation as opposed to working magic. An ideal time to meditate and write new spells, gather materials; preparation time to ready yourself for working magic in the up and coming lunar cycles. 

But on the last night when the crescent of the moon begins to show again, we celebrate her return from the dead. This is the point when we start a new. New plans and new beginnings. Prepare long term 
spells and projects.

So don’t rush into your ‘New beginnings’ ritual just yet. Or starting up new projects when she goes dark.Take those few nights of darkness to focus on what you wish to start a new. Write a spell to help you 
with your new project, and gather together what you may need. Sit and meditate on the things in 
our life that may need a fresh start. A little rejuvenation. There maybe an on going project that may 
have stalled a little. Take this time to think how you can give it a boost. Maybe you may wish to improve your personal life, increase your friendship circle. This is an ideal time to think on how you may do this, such as joining a local walking group, or start doing Yoga.

You could create a special Sigil, meditate on it and place it on your altar. If you have Tarot or Oracle
cards maybe do a reading on your plans, or maybe help guide you in the right direction. And keep a
note of the reading. During your ritual you could again mediate on your reading and maybe gain further insight.

Below are spell ideas, a few pointers as well as a New moon chant and a few trusty incense recipes
from So what ever you decide to do the next few days. Enjoy this quiet to. Spend it with loved ones. Maybe you can decide as a family where you wish to go.

Have a blessed week and a wonderful new Moon ritual


~ Pagan )O(

New Moon Spells:

² Dark Works
² new Beginnings
² New Projects
² Rejuvenation
² Beauty
² Health
² Personal Improvement
² New Employment
² Banishment
² Money

At The New Moon:

² Create Something
² Release Something
² Renew Something
² Begin Something

New Moon Prayers and Chants

On the New Moon of October night
New beginnings are now in sight.
The dark Goddess watches over me
To release my past and let me be free.
memories that hurt me yesterday
Will not hurt me tomorrow
I will soon be healed of my sorrow.
Honoured crone of the night
I call upon you to put things right.
Transform my negative thoughts and pain
let my life be whole again.
When i wake in the light of morn
Let my spirit be reborn.

So Mote It Be

Source unknown


New Moon New Moon,
Star in the stream,
Pray tell my fortune
In my dream.

Pale Moon doth rain
Red Moon doth blow
White Moon doth neither rain nor snow


Esbat of the Darkening Moon

Aged Goddess of the Darkening moon
Accept our praise & thanks. 
Help free us soon,
from what which needs to go,
which causes so much woe.
So that when the time is right,
We return into the light.
May this now come to be for all humanity.
Show us the path to take
and guide the steps we make.

Hecate, Morrigan, Cerridwen, Grandmother, Crone.

Sites With New Moon Rituals

Celebrate The New Moon

Moon Incense

Here are some incense you can burn this New Moon and attract her various  influences and also during psychic workings, love magic, healing, rituals
involving the home and dream magic.

Dark Moon Incense #1 
1/4 cup sandalwood powder 
1/8 cup patchouli leaves 
1/2 cup myrrh resin 
10 drops jasmine oil 
4 drops lemon oil

Dark Moon Incense #2 
Equal parts: myrrh, cinnamon, cassia, hemlock 
12 drops cedar oil 
8 drops myrtle oil 
4 drops musk oil 
Olive oil to bind

Dark Moon Incense #3
3 tsp. ground cascarilla 
2 tsp. ground sandalwood 
21 drops wisteria oil

New Moon Incense
3 parts frankincense 
1 part sandalwood

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